姓名 张旭东
基本信息 出生年月1979.10 学位 博士 职称 教授
2002.09-2005.07 辽宁大学 物理系 理论物理专业 硕士学位
2009.09-2015.01 中国科学院金属研究所 材料物理与化学专业 博士学位
2005.7- 现在,沈阳工业大学理学院,讲师、副教授、教授
学科方向:凝聚态物理 计算材料科学
(1) 先进合金材料的设计及其物理特性的研究
(2) 半导体光催化材料的掺杂改性及其物理化学性质的第一性原理研究
1、 科研项目
[1] Xudong Zhang*, You Lv, Wei Jiang, Site preference of transition-metal elements additions on mechanicaland electronic properties of B2 DyCu-based alloys, Materials and Design 133 (2017) 476-486.
[2]Jiaying Chen, Xudong Zhang*, Feng Wang, Insight into the vacancy effects on mechanical and electronic properties of Tantalum Silicide, Ceramics International 46(2020)4595-4601.(ESI 高被引论文)
[3] Xudong Zhang*, Jiaying Chen, Feng Wang, Insight into the elastic and anisotropic properties of BiMg2MO6 (M = P, As and V) ceramics from the first-principles calculations, Ceramics International 45(2019)11136-11140.(ESI 高被引论文)
[4] Xudong Zhang*, Tianhui Dong, Feng Wang, A first principles investigation on the influence of transition-metal elements on the structural, mechanical, and anisotropic properties of CaM2Al20 intermetallics, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 96(2020) 107509.(ESI 高被引论文)
[5] Jiaying Chen, Xudong Zhang*, Feng Wang, The vacancy defects and oxygen atoms occupation effects on mechanical and electronic properties of Mo5Si3 silicides, Communications in Theoretical Physics 73 (2021)045702 (ESI 高被引论文)
[6] Xudong Zhang*, Xinyue Chen, Feng Wang, Influence of vacation defects and element doping on the optical properties and electronic structure of Bi12GeO20 semiconductor, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 146 (2022)106676.
[7] Xudong Zhang*,Yaxin Liu, Feng Wang, The investigation of the physical properties and hydrogenated mechanism of TM5Si4, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(2022) 35903-35913.
[8] Xinyue Chen, Xudong Zhang*, Feng Wang, Exploring the electronic, mechanical, anisotropic, and optical properties of ternary silicides TM(2)Si(2)Ys (TM = Cu, Ir, Os, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru) from a first principles investigations, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 122(2022)e26922.
[9] Chen Li, Xudong Zhang*, Feng Wang, The lattice vibration, mechanical anisotropy, stress-strain behavior and electronic properties of HfxSiy phases: A first-principles study, Vacuum 212(2023)112012.
[10] Wanqi Yang, The elastic anisotropy, electronic and optical properties of Bi4Si3O12, Bi2SiO5, Bi12SiO20 and Bi2Si3O9 crystals from first-principles calculations, Chemical Physics Letters 814(2023)140323.(ESI 高被引论文)
[1] 张旭东,李婷,权善玉,一种德尔塔氧化铋催化材料的制备方法及其应用,国家发明专利,ZL- 2020 1 0344514.4,2023.4.28.
1、 科研、教学获奖
[1] 《二元金属硅化物物理性质第一性原理研究》 辽宁省优秀硕士毕业论文指导教师 2021年.
[2] “矿山用新型稀土基纳米合金改性衬板装备及制造技术的开发与应用”辽宁省科技进步二等奖2023年
《The vacancy defects and oxygen atoms occupation effects on mechanical and electronic properties of Mo5Si3 silicides》2022年获得理论物理通讯杂志社高被引论文奖.
[1] 沈阳工业大学“党员先锋示范岗”-科研示范岗 2020年
[2] 沈阳工业大学就业工作突出贡献奖 2023年