2020-08-26 10:49  


基本信息1978.04.20博士教授 博士生导师


1998.09-2002.06辽宁师范大学 物理学院 物理学专业 学士学位

2002.07-2005.06中国科学院上海天文台大学 天文地球动力学中心天体测量与天体力学专业 硕士学位

2007.09-2013.08沈阳工业大学 电气工程学院 电工理论与新技术专业 博士学位


2020.01 - 现在,沈阳工业大学,教授

2015.09- 2019.12,沈阳工业大学,副教授

2008.09 - 2015.08,沈阳工业大学,讲师

2005.06 - 2008.08,沈阳工业大学,助教














[1] 耦合多种数值模拟技术的金属富勒烯团簇结构的奇异磁性研究,省级,2023-MS-218,8万,主持

[2] 磁性核壳纳米结构的磁化特性和热力学性质研究,省级,20170540672,3万,主持

[3] 多性能磁记录用分子基磁性材料的磁化特性研究,省级,20141067,3万, 主持


[1] X. H. Zhang, W. Wang*, B. C. Li, Y. An, Exploring magnetic properties of an edge-modifified kekulene multilayer cluster in an external magnetic field. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138 (2023) 333. (WOS:000968731100001)

[2] J. Y. Liu, W. Wang*, N. X. Li, X. Chang, F. G. Zhang, Z. M. Hao, Insight into magnetic characteristics of an ising monolayer Fe3GeTe2 structure. Micro and Nanostructures 177 (2023) 207549. (WOS:001005107200001)

[3] Z. Y. Liu, W. Wang*, B. C. Li, Z. Y. Xu, Exploring thermodynamic characteristics and magnetocaloric effect of an edge-decorated Ising multilayer nanoparticle with graphene-like structure. Phys. Scr. 98 (2023) 065918. (WOS:000980153700001)

[4] Z. Y. Gao, W. Wang*, L. Sun, L. M. Yang, B. Y. Ma, P. S. Li, Dynamic magnetic properties of borophene nanoribbons with core-shell structure: Monte Carlo study. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 548 (2022) 168967. (WOS:000777586200006)

[5] B. C. Li, W. Wang*, J. Q. Lv, X. H. Zhang, F. Wang, Effects of anisotropy on magnetic and thermodynamic properties of a graphene cluster monolayer. Phase Transitions, 95:12 (2022) 823-836. (WOS: 000869528800001)

[6] C. L. Chang, W. Wang*, R. Z. Geng, Dynamic dielectric properties of an antiferroelectric/ferroelectric mixed-spin (5/2, 3/2) Ising system under a time-dependent oscillating electric field. Micro and Nanostructure 168 (2022) 207306. (WOS:000835309600004)

[7] W. Wang*, B. C. Li, T. L. Wang, Q. Li, F. Wang, Thermodynamic and magnetocaloric properties of an A(n)B(60-n) fullerene-like structure under the applied magnetic field. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 553 (2022) 169292. (WOS:000793454500002)

[8] M. Yang, W. Wang*, F. Wang, B. C. Li, J. Q. Lv, Effects of defect concentration on the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of an Ising-type polyhedral chain with defects. Phys. Scr. 97 (2022) 085822. (WOS:000832528200001)

[9] B. C. Li, W. Wang*, J. Q. Lv, M. Yang, F. Wang, Compensation and critical characteristics of the ferrimagnetic bilayer graphdiyne film with RKKY interaction. Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Process. 128 (2022) 445. (WOS:000788587900002)

[10] Y. An, W. Wang*, L. Sun, B. C. Li, Study on compensation behaviors and hysteresis characteristics of a graphene-like trilayer with sandwich structure. Micro and Nanostructure 171 (2022) 207429. (WOS:000879999800002)

[11] Z. Y. Liu, W. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, H. Huang, Z. H. Ma, Compensation characteristics and hysteresis loops of an edge-decorated graphene-like Ising multilayer nanoparticle. Micro and Nanostructure 167 (2022) 207238. (WOS:000835307000006)

[12] Y. W. Diao, W. Wang*, T. L. Wang, B. C. Li, Thermodynamic Properties and Magnetocaloric Effect of a Diluted Kekulene-Like Structure with Defects. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 35 (2022) 3603-3612. (WOS:000855607600002)

[13] Q. Li, W. Wang*, L. Sun, B. C. Li, M. Tian, Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of a diluted fullerene-like structure X-20 with embedded atom. Physica B 623 (2021) 413362. (WOS:000698683500007)

[14] C. L. Chang, W. Wang*, D. Lv, Z. Y. Liu, M. Tian, Insight into dynamic magnetic properties of YMnO3/FM bilayer in a time-dependent magnetic field. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136 (2021) 290. (WOS:000626528400004)

[15] W. Wang*, L. Sun, Q. Li, D. Lv, Z. Y. Gao, T. Huang, Magnetic and thermodynamic behaviors of a diluted Ising nanographene monolayer under the longitudinal magnetic field. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 527 (2021) 167692. (WOS:000618386000003)

[16] L. Sun, W. Wang*, D. Lv, Z. Y. Gao, Q. Li, B. C. Li, Magnetic and thermodynamic behaviors of the graphene-like quantum dots: A Monte Carlo study. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 528 (2021) 167820. (WOS:000630182800031)

[17] C. L. Chang, W. Wang*, H. Ma, H. Huang, J. C. Liu, R. Z. Geng, Monte Carlo study of the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of an AFM/FM BiFeO3/Co bilayer. Commun. Theor. Phys. 73 (2021) 095702. (WOS:000681459300001)

[18] H. J. Wu, W. Wang*, D. Lv, C. L. Chang, B. C. Li, M. Tian, Dynamic magnetic properties of a double-layer core-shell graphene nanoisland in an oscillating magnetic field. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 515 (2020) 167306. (WOS:000571178800007)

[19] W. Wang*, L. Sun, R. D. Li, Z. Y. Gao, F. Wang, M. Tian, Dynamic magnetic behaviors of a double-layer core/shell graphene nanoribbon in a time-dependent magnetic field. Results Phys. 19 (2020) 103573. (WOS:000605631600004)

[20] L. Sun, W. Wang*, Dynamic magnetic properties of Ising graphene-like monolayer. Commun. Theor. Phys. 72 (2020) 115703. (WOS:000583352200001)

[21] L. Sun, W. Wang*, Q. Li, F. Wang, H. J. Wu, Study on magnetic behaviors in a diluted ferrimagnetic Ising graphene nanoribbon. Superlattices Microstruct. 147 (2020) 106701. (WOS:000582803100017)

[22] Q. Li, R. D. Li, W. Wang*, R. Z. Geng, H. Huang, S. J. Zheng, Magnetic and thermodynamic characteristics of a rectangle Ising nanoribbon. Physica A 555 (2020) 124741. (WOS:000540724200025)

[23] C. L. Chang, W. Wang*, D. Lv, R. Z. Geng, J. C. Liu, H. Huang, Dielectric properties of an antiferroelectric/ferroelectric BiFeO3/Co bilayer structure. Ceram. Int. 46 (2020) 22907-22918. (WOS:000558707400117)

[24] M. Yang, W. Wang*, B. C. Li, H. J. Wu, S. Q. Yang, J. Yang, Magnetic properties of an Ising ladder-like graphene nanoribbon by using Monte Carlo method. Physica A 539 (2020) 122932. (WOS:000503317700011)

[25] W. Wang*, H. J. Wu, P. N. Xie, J. H. Lv, Z. Peng, Magnetic properties of a triangle double-layer graphene nanoisland: a Monte Carlo study. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135 (2020) 605. (WOS:000556808000003)

[26] H. J. Wu, W. Wang*, F. Wang, B. C. Li, Q. Li, J. H. Xu, Monte Carlo study of an Ising nanoisland with bilayer graphene-like structure in a longitudinal magnetic field. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 136 (2020) 109174. (WOS:000502886100049)

[27] H. J. Wu, W. Wang*, B. C. Li, M. Yang, S. Q. Yang, F. Wang, Magnetic properties in graphene-like nanoisland bilayer: Monte Carlo study. Physica E 112 (2019) 86-95. (WOS:000467537600012)

[28] W. Wang*, S. Q. Yang, Y. Yang, Z. Peng, B. C. Li, M. Yang, Magnetic behaviors in a bilayer graphene nanoisland structure: A Monte Carlo study. Physica E 109 (2019) 30-38. (WOS:000458264900006)

[29] Y. Yang, W. Wang*, H. Ma, Q. Li, Z. Y. Gao, T. Huang, Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of a ferrimagnetic mixed-spin (1/2,1,3/2) Ising nanoisland: Monte Carlo study. Physica E 108 (2019) 358-371. (WOS:000455988500052)

[30] Z. Y. Wang, W. Wang*, Q. Li, M. Tian, Z. Y. Gao, Y. Liu, Monte Carlo simulation of dieletric properties of the antiferroelectric/ferroelectric BiFeO3/YMnO3 bilayer in the external electric field. Physica E 110 (2019) 127-133. (WOS:000460542000021)

[31] S. Q. Yang, W. Wang*, F. Wang, B. C. Li, H. J. Wu, M. Yang, J. H. Xu, Magnetic behaviors in a ternary metallic nanoisland with bilayer hexagonal core-shell structure. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 135 (2019) 109110. (WOS:000488419800036)

[32] W. Wang*, C. L. Chang, Q. Li, F. L. Xue, L. Sun, T. Huang, Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of a triple-layer film superlattice: A Monte Carlo study. Superlattices Microstruc. 136 (2019) 106325. (WOS:000502883300017)

[33] W. Wang*, Q. Li, M. Z. Wang, Y. Ma, A. B. Guo, T. Huang, Magnetization plateaus behaviors in a nano-graphene bilayer structure: A Monte Carlo study. Physica E 111 (2019) 63-74. (WOS:000465001500008)

[34] Z. Y. Wang, Q. Li, F. Wang, L. Sun, M. Tian, W. Wang*, Monte Carlo simulation of polarization plateaus and hysteresis behaviors of an antiferroelectric/ferroelectric BiFeO3/YMnO3 Ising bilayer. Superlattices Microstruc. 136 (2019) 106293. (WOS:000502883300010)

[35] Y. Yang, W. Wang*, D. Lv, J. P. Liu, Z. Y. Gao, Z. Y. Wang, Monte Carlo study of magnetic behaviors in a quadrangle ferrimagnetic Ising nanoisland. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 120 (2018) 109-122. (WOS:000437047400015)

[36] Y. Liu, W. Wang*, D. Lv, X. R. Zhao, T. Huang, Z. Y. Wang, Hysteresis behaviors in a ferrimagnetic Ising nanotube with hexagonal core-shell structure. Physica B 541 (2018) 79-88. (WOS:000432752900013)

[37] W. Wang*, Y. Liu, Z. Y. Gao, X. R. Zhao, Y. Yang, S. Yang, Compensation behaviors and magnetic properties in a cylindrical ferrimagnetic nanotube with core-shell structure: A Monte Carlo study. Physica E 101 (2018) 110-124. (WOS:000432548200016)

[38] W. Wang*, Z. Peng, S. S. Lin, Q. Li, D. Lv, S. Yang, Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic properties of a ferrimagnetic nanoisland with hexagonal prismatic core-shell structure. Superlattices MicroStruc. 113 (2018) 178-193. (WOS:000425566100020)

[39] Z. Peng, W. Wang*, D. Lv, R. J. Liu, Q. Li, Magnetic properties of a cubic nanoisland in the longitudinal magnetic field: A Monte Carlo study. Superlattices Microstruc. 109 (2017) 675-686. (WOS:000411541600076)

[40] W. Wang*, D. Lv, Y. Liu, Y. Yang, Z. Y. Gao, X. R. Zhao, Surface effect on compensation and critical behaviors of a ferrimagnetic mixed-spin (1,3/2) Ising system with two alternating layers. Superlattices Microstruc. 112 (2017) 688-696. (WOS:000418308900073)

[41] W. Wang*, D. D. Chen, D. Lv, J. P. Liu, Q. Li, Z. Peng, Monte Carlo study of magnetic and thermodynamic properties of a ferrimagnetic Ising nanoparticle with hexagonal core-shell structure. J. Phys. Chem. Solid 108 (2017) 39-51. (WOS:000403527500007)

[42] W. Wang*, F. L. Xue, M. Z. Wang, Compensation behavior and magnetic properties of a ferrimagnetic mixed-spin (1/2,1) Ising double layer superlattice. Physica B 515 (2017) 104-111. (WOS:000405264200015)

[43] W. Wang*, Q. Li, D. Lv, R. J. Liu, Z. Peng, S. Yang, Monte Carlo study of magnetization plateaus in a zigzag graphene nanoribbon structure. Carbon 120 (2017) 313-325. (WOS:000403665000037)


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