2018-10-19 12:53  


15th IUPAC International Conference on Novel Materials and their Synthesis (NMS-XV)

06 -11 September, 2019, Shenyang, China

Please type or print, and mail or email to Conference Secretary: Prof. Ge Xu or Song Wang

before 28th February, 2019. or pre-register via the web: www.nms-iupac.org.

Surname:              First name:

Title:  Prof.   Dr. Mr. Ms.

Institution and address:

Fax:                  Email:

I intend to submit an Invited Lecture an oral presentation a poster session . I wish to receive 2nd circular.

The title of paper (tentative):

Accompanying person, Name:

Title: Prof.Dr.  Mr.  Ms. Relation:


Mixer, free one-day city excursion and banquet will be arranged during the Conference. Ladies programs are also planned.


RMB 4000 (about 620 US dollars) for each active participant, RMB 2000 (about 310 US dollars) for each student and accompanied participant.

HOW TO GO TO Shenyang

Shenyang is the capital of Liaoning Province. You can easily transfer from almost any large airport in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Kunming and Xi’An to Shenyang Taoxian International Airport.


11 Sept., 2019

Visit some institutes and places of historic interest around Shenyang.


Expenses for hotels and meals will be about RMB 300-600 per day for a single person during the Conference and Post-Conference.


Profs. Sanxi Li, Fa-Nian Shi

Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, Liaoning Province, China

Profs. Dongfeng Xue, Tao Tang

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun 130022, China

Prof. Yuping Wu

School of Energy Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, Jiangsu Province, China

Tel: +86-25-5813 9664

Email: wuyp@njtech.edu.cn


All correspondence should be sent directly to one of the General Secretary of the Conference, Prof. Ge Xu or Song Wang

15th IUPAC International Conference on Novel Materials and their Synthesis


Call for Papers

06 –11 September, 2019

Shenyang, China


First Circular


Shenyang University of Technology

Nanjing Tech University


International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Natural Science Foundation of China

Shenyang Association for Science and Technology

Shenyang University of Technology

School of Science, Shenyang University of Technology



Profs. Yuzhong Wang, Hongjie Zhang


Prof. Sanxi Li, Prof. Fa-Nian Shi, Prof. Dongfeng Xue, Prof. Tao Tang & Prof. Yuping Wu


Ge Xu & Song Wang


Ruke Bai, Hefei

Fen’er Chen, Shanghai  

Zhen Zhao, Shenyang

Xiaochen Dong, Nanjing

Xiaosheng Fang, Shanghai

Shoukuan Fu, Shanghai

Zhiyi Ge, Ningbo

Lijia Chen, Shenyang


Meiyu Huang, Beijing

Ming Jiang, Shanghai

Qinghong Fang, Shenyang

Lizhi Liu, Shenyang

Linnan Zhang, Shenyang

Jianpu Wang, Nanjing

Xing Zhang, Shenyang

Peiyi Wu, Shanghai

Mujie Yang, Hangzhou

Guimei Shi, Shenyang

Youliang Zhao, Suzhou

Shaokui Cao, Zhengzhou

Yuhui Chen, Nanjing

Jianhua Dong, Beijing

Shibi Fang, Beijing

Lijun Fu, Nanjing

Faming Gao, Qinhuangdao

Zhewen Han, Shanghai

Wenping Hu, Tianjin

Fengwei Huo, Nanjing

Guoxin Jin, Shanghai

Xiangzheng Kong, Jinan

Xiang Liu, Nanjing

Jin Yu, Shenyang

Liming Tang, Beijing

Ailing Zhang, Shenyang

Yunpu Wang, Lanzhou

Xiongwei Wu, Changsha

Shiyong Yang, Beijing

Rongben Zhang, Beijing

Yusong Zhu, Nanjing


S. Asaoka, Japan

A. Baba, Japan

D.Y. Chao, China

Y. Cohen, Israel

W. Dai, China

M. Eisen, Israel

G. Frater, Switzerland

Yury Gogotsi, USA

J. Inanaga, Japan

A.J. Attias, France

H. Berke, Switerzerland  

J. Cho, South Korea

J. Collin, France

A.S. Demir, Turkey

X.L. Feng, Germany

K.E. Geckeler, SouthKorea  

A. Hirao, Japan

Y. Kawakami, Japan

Y. Kimura, Japan

N. Kuramoto, Japan

P.H.L. Notten, Netherland

R.T. Rahman, USA

H. Schumann, Germany

Y. Shchipunov, Russia

I. Tomida, Japan

G. Unger, UK

Judy Wu, USA

C.Z. Yu, Australia

J.J. Zhang, Canada

N. Koide, Japan

R.S. Liu, Taiwan, China

S. Penczek, Poland

H. Sakurai, Japan

M. Shimizu, Japan

J.L. Taverdet, France

K. Undheim, Norway G.X. Wang, Australia

T. Yoshida, Japan

M. Yus, Spain

P. Zugenmaier, Germany


Shenyang University of Technology (沈阳工业大学)

Shenyang (沈阳), China

06 -11 September, 2019


The Conference is intended to provide for the exposition and discussion of research on novel materials including their preparation, characterization, properties and applications. Topics presented will be as the follows:

Symposium A: Novel biomass, biobased, medical materials and composites, their preparation, properties and applications.

Symposium B: Novel preparation methods for organic compounds, their properties and applications.

Symposium C: Novel polymers such as conducting, semiconducting ones, supramolecular (supermolecular, dynamers), fibers, and their preparation, properties and applications.

Symposium D: Novel energy systems including fuel cells, solar cells, lithium batteries and supercapacitors, and their key materials, performance and applications.

Symposium E: Novel nanomaterials such as one-, two-, andthree- dimensional (1D-, 2D- and 3D-) nanomaterials, their characterization and application.  

Symposium F: Novel ceramic/organic materials such as perovskite, super-conductors, electronic, diaelectronic, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, optoelectric and magnetic materials, their preparation and applications.

Symposium G: Novel materials related to coal, carbon, fullerene, grapheme, graphite, and their applications.

Symposium H: Novel eco-friendly materials, environmental engineering and contamination control: their preparation, characterizations, properties and applications.

Symposium I: Novel materials for fuel production, conversion or storage.

Symposium J: Other novel materials including perfumes, agricultural chemicals, photosensitive materials, displaying materials, fine ceramics and alloys, their preparation, properties and applications.

Symposium K: Novel characterization methods and application in fundamental and applied researches on materials.


Plenary lectures (45 min each), keynoted invited lectures (30 min each), invited lectures (20 min each), oral presentation (10 min each) and poster sessions.


All speakers are requested to submit an abstract of their talk of one full page (200-500 words). The typing area of each page should be no more than 16 cm wide by 23 cm deep. If there are several authors on the abstract, please underline the speaker. The abstract should be submitted via the web of the Conference <www.nms-iupac.org> before 30st June, 2019. If there is problem, please email to nms@fudan.edu.cn / nms15@sut.edu.cn.


On behalf of the guest editorial member of Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, we would like to invite you to contribute a paper to a special issue for this Conference.


The official language of the Conference is English.

One Scene of Shenyang City


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